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Darius Hinks Interview – What Happens in the Leviathan Novel, and Why Is the Galaxy Doomed?


The shadow of Hive Fleet Leviathan looms over the new edition of Warhammer 40,000, bringing a nightmare invasion of ravenous hordes to the Imperium. The stalwart Ultramarines 1st Company stand ready to defend, but even they may not be able to hold back the uncountable swarm in Leviathan, the gripping companion novel by Black Library veteran Darius Hinks.

To prepare ourselves for the coming onslaught, we caught up with Darius to grab the intel on the xenos menace.

Darius Hinks的采访——《利维坦》小说里面发生什么了?为什么银河已毁?

虫巢舰队利维坦的阴影笼罩于战锤40000的新版本之上,为帝国带来了掠食兽群的噩梦侵略。忠贞不屈的极限战士第一连枕戈待旦进行防御,但是即便是他们也可能无法挡住利维坦数不胜数的虫群(译者:岂止是可能挡不住,比如说一个名为巴尔的不知名小星系虫巢舰队都能派出十五万艘舰船进行狂暴轰入,如果利维坦真的有心轰下此地,恐怕就连整个不屈远征舰队集中在一起也只会被利维坦来个当场杀败!而影际星之战也表明了,一个所谓“防卫森严”的节点星球也可能被泰伦虫在几个小时内完全吞噬),这便是黑图书馆老手Darius Hinks所著的扣人心弦的故事。


Warhammer Community: Without creeping into spoiler territory, what is Leviathan about?

Darius Hinks: It’s a novel set on a planet called Regium – an Imperial fortress world that’s the lynchpin of an important defensive measure known as the Sanctus Line. Regium’s tactical importance means it’s unusually well-defended with a garrison that includes mighty veterans of the Ultramarines 1st Company. It’s survived countless attacks and seems impregnable. Then Hive Fleet Leviathan arrives…

I’ve always loved those old 1940s, 1950s science fiction invasion novels where the author sets up a seemingly stable status quo then gradually reveals a horrific alien threat. You know the kind of thing – people scramble to escape the apocalypse while others try to mount a desperate, last-ditch defence.

Leviathan is a mixture of that and those disaster movies where you meet a cast of sympathetic characters, and then have to guess who might not die a horrible death by the end of the film. It’s a technicolour blockbuster of a novel in which the Imperium’s finest go toe-to-toe with the unstoppable horror of the Tyranid swarm. 

Warhammer Community: 在不剧透的情况下,请问《利维坦》是讲什么的呢?

Darius Hinks:这个故事发生在一个名为利基乌姆(Regium)的星球上——这是一颗帝国的要塞世界,被称为神圣防线(Sanctus Line)的重要防御手段的节点。利基乌姆的战术重要性意味着它将有着不同寻常的强大防御,有着来自极限战士一连的横强老兵。(这些老兵)活过了数不尽的攻势,看似无可穿透。然而虫巢舰队利维坦来惹…



WarCom: How does it feel to be writing the narrative companion to the brand-new edition of Warhammer 40,000?

Darius: Warhammer 40,000 has been a big part of my life since my early teens. I can clearly remember the day, way back in the late 1980s, when I saw John Sibbick’s seminal Rogue Trader art in the window of Games Workshop Birmingham. That image of a heroic, unwinnable fight really caught my imagination and it drew me into a fantasy world unlike any other I had encountered.

Decades later, I find myself writing the book that kicks off the latest edition of the game. That level of responsibility would probably have made a more sensible person nervous but the subject matter was just so much fun I didn’t really have time to worry. I was lucky enough to see early images of the Leviathan miniatures and bringing them to life on the page was a dream gig.


Darius:战锤40000占据了我幼时很大的一部分。我可以清晰地记得那天,那个1980年代晚期,我看见了John Sibbick‘s在伯明翰GW的窗口中那具有创造力的行商浪人艺术品。那种英雄主义,无可获胜的死斗的模样激起了我的想象并将我投入了一个前所未见的奇幻世界。


WarCom: You’ve written companion novels for several box sets like Dominion and Blackstone Fortress. Is anything about the writing experience different when it’s intimately tied to a physical release?

Darius: These novels feel even more collaborative than the usual Black Library novels. But that’s one of the things I most enjoy about writing Warhammer fiction – bouncing ideas around with editors and other Games Workshop creatives sparks ideas I would never have dreamt up on my own.



WarCom: What sort of challenges did you face writing about an overwhelming, unknowable swarm like the Tyranids?

Darius: The fact that they’re so unknowable is actually one of the things I enjoyed. I think it makes them genuinely scary – most Warhammer 40,000 antagonists have a recognisable ideology, perhaps even goals that we can sympathise with (considering how bleak and oppressive the Imperium of Man is) but there’s no reasoning with the Great Devourer. No way at all to understand the Hive Mind.

Even names like ‘Tyranid’ or ‘Leviathan’ are just labels applied to them by their desperate prey. For me, that’s like a childhood nightmare – being hunted by something that can’t be threatened or bargained with. It makes Tyranids a foe that even the noble veterans of the Ultramarines 1st Company can’t take lightly.




WarCom: What do you enjoy most about the setting of Warhammer 40,000?

Darius: Most science fiction or fantasy settings revolve around the idea of hope. Plucky underdogs rebel against evil empires, or proud defenders fighting to maintain their way of life. But in Warhammer 40,000 there’s none of that – hope is a distant memory. The worst has happened. The Imperium is being devoured. The galaxy is burning. And, even if it wasn’t on its last legs, the Imperium was horrific to begin with.

And yet, amidst all this horror, there are acts of heroism. In Warhammer 40,000 we see characters with nothing left to live for who still try to do the right thing. People make incredible sacrifices knowing that their heroism will go unnoticed. To me, that’s always made Warhammer 40,000 seem unique and fascinating.




WarCom: Who are you rooting for, the Space Marines or the Tyranids?

Darius: The boys in blue, all the way. The Imperium’s a mess and the Ultramarines are almost as terrifying as the Tyranids, but I generally pick the side that isn’t trying to eat me.



Thanks Darius! You’ll be able to get your hands on Leviathan at the same time as the massive boxed set of the same name, ringing in the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 with tons of miniatures and tales of the horrifying Fourth Tyrannic War. Sign up to the Black Library newsletter for more.



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